Let’s Level
Up In Life

Let’s Level
Up In Life

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Our Goal

HMWK is a non-profit that provides high quality enrichment classes for free to children worldwide. Premium education is a right to our youth.

Every month, a brand new class is released that is available for students to attend online, for free. Each class is created carefully to be both educational yet entertaining with a format that keeps the children actively involved that let's them be a part of the lesson. Using video games as an inspiration, we create a dialogue that children can understand to teach concepts that are normally considered complex and abstract.

We wish to prepare children with the skills, and inspire children with our lessons, to succeed in an everchanging world.

Our courses focus on two main areas, Design and Character.

Design is becoming more and more essential in today's world as technology continues to advance. From cars and vehicles to games and movies, Design can determine whether it's successful or not. We aim to help children develop a better sense of Design, so they can create with purpose and impact.

In a society that praises personality, the virtues and importance of Character is slowly getting pushed to the background. However, HMWK believes Character is integral to a child's success. The stronger their fortitude, patience, compassion and courage, the stronger they will be. In a world as uncertain as today's, we wish to help parents out, and reinforce the values of Character in a modern and fresh approach.

Our Courses: Class 1

Level Up

This is our Introductory Course in HMWK. Life is like an RPG, where we all start at Level 1. We’ll learn to approach goals using 3 simple steps, The Quest, The Journey, and The Challenge.

We highly recommend children take this course to understand the core concept that our school follows. It will lay down the foundation and groundwork for our curriculum, so that way they can implement these tools and ideas successfully in future classes.

Gregory Edwards

Teacher and Content Creator
Future Classes

Storytelling with Pictures Part 1

Become a master of art by learning the fundamentals of Art. The class will begin with the simplest part of a picture, a dot! Then, we'll move on up, and learn how we can use different techniques to create a story with even the most basic of shapes!

This class will be coming soon.

Gregory Edwards

Teacher and Content Creator
Every month

A Brand New Class

Every month, a brand new class with brand new backgrounds, levels, and goals, will be introduced and available. We aim to treat our classes as an experience. Gone are the long lectures where children just listen. In are the lessons that involve children to help solve the issue that is present in the class. Children need to be active!

Many believe that interactivity is sacrificed when classes are taught online. However, HMWK firmly believes that it is still possible, just a new approach must be thought of. We meticulously craft our lessons to be something that children look forward to attending. Education should be fun and memorable, and every lesson should be learned with laughter. Come check out our classes. They are free, and readily available so long as you sign up and choose a date in which you wish to have your child attend the class. We look forward to leveling up with you soon!

Gregory Edwards

Teacher and Content Creator

What Can We Level Up?


The best form of learning is to actually do it. We encourage our students to never be afraid to do something. That is the only way to get Experience!


What do you want to be amazing at? Devoting your Experience to a Skill is the secret behind every Master and their craft.


Once you build Experience, Knowledge is necessary if one wishes to be the excel. Reading and Studying are essential for gaining Knowledge.


There is power in the world of freedom. And that is Creativity. This is the one thing where you don't have to worry about rules, but instead, make your own rules!


In order to do any of the previous 4, you need energy! And that energy is determined by your Health. The better your Health, the better everything else is!

let's talk

So let's level up!!

Sign your child up for our free classes and let's work together to ensure our youth has a bright and exciting future ahead of them!